Por ti
Toma el saco, dame el dinero
2020. Oil, enamel, marker and spray on canvas. 28...
La Familia
2020. Oil, enamel, marker and spray on canvas. 11...
El Abrazo
2020. Oil, enamel, marker and spray on canvas.
Don’t speak
2020. Oil, enamel, marker and spray on canvas.
Pirulo y Pirula
Mix media on canvas / Mixta sobre lienzo. 195h x 194w cm 76.77h x ...
Perro Policía
2017. Mix media on canvas/ Mezcla sobre lienzo/ 195h x 130w cm 76....
Ella mira así, así
2017. Mix media on canvas/ Mezcla sobre lienzo/ 195h x 130w cm/ 76.77h x 51.18w ...
De los días azules
2020. Mix media on canvas / Mixta sobre lienzo. 195h x 130w cm / 7...
1984, Jerez, España.
live and job in Madrid.
Ana Barriga (Jérez, 1984), Bachelor of Fine arts by the University of Seville, currently lives and works in Madrid. She works with mixed media, using oil, enamel, felt pen, and spray, which she uses as an act of vandalism towards her own paintings, a hallmark of all her work. In her art, she deals with themes of transcendental importance such as life, death, love, sex, or human relations. All her work follows an identical process in her search for the balance of emotion and reason: she rescues objects that are aesthetically playful or cute and intervenes on them by recontextualising and crystalizing them through her creative process. The result: a lively and colourful aesthetic which complements the relation between the definitive image and the title of the work, often eloquently punctuated and marked by irony.
2014 | SEVILLE | MA Art Idea and Production. Fine Arts Degree, University of Fine Arts, Seville. |
2009 | SEVILLE | Diploma of Higher Education in Plastic Arts and Design in Art Applied to Stone |
2005 | CADIZ | Diploma of Higher Education in Furniture design |
2002 | JEREZ | Associate Degree in Artistic Woodworking |
2020 | La vida del difunto, Yusto/Giner Gallery, Malaga, Spain. |
2020 | Maní, Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery, London |
2019 | De Animales a Dioses, Andalusian Centre of Contemporary art (CAAC), Seville, Spain. |
2018 | Charleston, Lambada y Perreo, BIRIMBAO Gallery, Seville, Spain. |
2017 | Ni Trono Ni Reina, Yusto/Giner Gallery, Malaga, Spain. |
2015 | El Hombre y la Madera, BIRIMBAO Gallery, Seville, Spain. |
2014 | Campana de Cosméticos, Contemporary art show D Mencia, Spain. |
2013 | Panel de Control. Pintura Fragmentada, Iniciarte, Seville, Spain. |
2019 |
BMural. Barcelona, Spain KNOTENPUNK Festivas. Affenfaust Gallery, Hamburg, Germany |
2018 |
Universes. Imola, Italy Arte Santander. Santander, Spain ZONA MACO. Mexico ARCO. Madrid, Spain |
2017 |
Ensoñaciones, SC Gallery. Bilbao, Spain El aire que nos llega, Birimbao Gallery. Seville, Spain ABC, Cadáver exquisito. Madrid, Spain |
2016 |
14ª Muestra de Arte Gas Natura Fenosa, MAC. A Coruña, Spain Estampa, Yusto Giner Gallery. Malaga, Spain Arte Santander, Yusto Giner Gallery. Malaga, Spain CREADORES 2016, La Térmica. Malaga, Spain. De la pintura, EL SUR, MAD. Antequera, Spain Paraísos Artificiales, Las Naves. Valencia, Spain. Málaga Crea. Centre for Contemporary Art,Malaga, Spain. Premio de pintura, Algemesi City. Valencia, Spain. Gramática y bricolaje, Yusto Giner Gallery. Malaga, Spain |
2015 |
NEIGHBOUR III. Centre for Contemporary Art,Malaga, Spain BEAUTY, MAD. Antequera, Spain
INCOMPLÉTUDES. ESPAI TACTEL Gallery, Valencia, Spain CASA LEIBNIZ, Santa Bárbara Space. Madrid, Spain. ON COLOR, New Spanish Contemporary Painting. SCAN. 123 Pop-up Gallery in Brick Lane, London Arte Santander, Espai Tactel Gallery. Valencia, Spain Casa Leibniz, Espai Tactel Gallery. Valencia, Spain |
2014 |
XVI International call for young artists OPEN CALL, Luis Adelantado Gallery. Valencia, Spain. X Premio de pintura Club de Arte Paul Ricard, Seville International Exhibition. Alcala City Prize XLV, Alcalá de Henares. Madrid. International Exhibition Plastic Arts Valdepeñas. Valdepeñas, Spain. 7º Unia Painting Prize. Huelva, Spain National Art Prize l LXVII JOSÉ ARPA, Spain National Contemporary Art Contest of Urtrera City, House of Culture, Seville, Spain. Miradas de Mujer, “La Caja China” Contemporary Art Gallery, Seville, Spain. |
2013 |
IX Painting Prize Club of Art Paul Ricard. Seville, Spain. XV International contest of fine arts of A CEC. Cadiz, Spain Fine arts Contest FOCUS ABENGOA, Hospital de los Venerables. Seville, Spain Fine arts Contest University of Seville CICUS. Seville, Spain National Contest of Art l LXVI National Prize of Painting JOSÉ ARPA, Santa Clara. Zafra Museum, Jaen, Spain |
2012 |
Que vienen los Bárbaros, [El futuro, como tantas otras veces… acaba llegando] Curated by: Ignacio Tovar, Sema D’Acosta. (CAS) Arts Centre Seville, Spain. Z.Jornadas de Arte, I Days of Contemporary in Montalban. Cordoba, Spain. National Contest for Contemporary Art of the City of Utrera, House of Culture, Seville, Spain. |
2011 |
XVI Contest for youth expression, Sala Paul. Jerez de la Frontera, Spain 3ª edition of IKAS-ART, International show of University Art, Bilbao, Spain Exhibition Centre. Barakaldo, España XIII Painting Contest Gruas Lozano, Cajasol Hall. Seville, Spain. VIII Painting Prize, Art Club Paul Ricard. Seville, Spain XIII Fine Arts show (CEC), Cadiz, Spain ¿Quién teme al rojo, amarillo y Azul?, Aparejadores Foundation. Seville, Spain ME & MY FRIENDS, El Butrón Hall, Seville, curated by Jesus Reina. Spain Las Mil y Una Historias, Murnau Art Gallery. Seville, Spain Certamen Nacional de Arte Contemporáneo Ciudad de Utrera, Sala de la Casa de la Cultura, España VIII National Painting Contest Juan Roldán. Seville, Spain |
2010 |
XVII Fine Arts University of Seville CICUS, University of Seville, Spain Grúas Lozano Painting Contest, Cajasol Hall. Seville, Spain. Life and Actuality of the Drawing IIII, Casa de la provincia, organized by D. Juan Fernández Lacomba. Seville, Spain. Libro de artista, exhibitions hall of the Complutense library. Madrid, Spain Certamen Nacional de Arte Contemporáneo Ciudad de Utrera, House of Culture, Spain |
2019 |
Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery Residency, London FACBA, University of Granada Daniel Vázquez Díaz, Huelva Radical Residency. Gallery Unit 1, London Public Prize Canal Sur Radio. Canal Sur Radio, Andalucia. |
2018 |
Void projects, Miami Generations, Montemadrid foundation. Casa Encendida, Madrid XIX National Painting Contest. |
2017 |
DKV Prize, Estampa fair. T0 Gallery, Madrid International Painting Prize Focus. Seville XXIII National Art Contest, University of Seville, CICUS. Seville |
2016 |
Accésit XII Painting Prize Paul Ricard, Seville EMERGENT Grant. Torremolinos, Malaga Second Prize Malaga Crea. Centre for Contemporary Art (CAC), Malaga Accésit Algemesi City, Valencia Creadores 2016. La Termica, Malaga |
2015 |
National Contest of Contemporary Art, City of Utrera. House of Culture, Seville XLII International Contest of Landscape. Alcalá de Guadaira, Seville Seville Grant ‘Es Talento’. ICAS, Seville |
2014 |
Collaboration Grant, Departament of Painting. Fine arts faculty of Seville, Seville XVI Prize Contemporary Art Show of Memcia, Cordoba National contest Prize PINTURA UNIA. House of Culture, Huelva National Contest of Contemporary Art, Utrera City of Art. House of Culture, Seville |
2013 |
Iniciarte Grant, Panel de Control. Pintura Fragmentada, exhibition project in Kastelar Hall, Seville Acquisition Prize Plastic Arts Contest. University of Seville CICUS, Seville ACCÉSIT l LXVI National art prize JOSÉ ARPA. City Hall Carmona, Seville |
Andalusian Centre for Contemporary Art (CAAC), Seville
Canary Islands Foundation for the development of painting (FCDP)
Colección DKV. Antequera City Hall, Malaga
focus foundation Abengoa, Seville
CICUS, University of Seville, Seville
Malaga City hall, Malagacrea, Malaga
Torremolinos City hall, Malaga
La Térmica. Malaga
CAC de Málaga, Málaga
Alcalá de Guadaira City hall, Seville
Doña Mencia City Hall, Cordoba
Zafra Museum, Cordoba
CICUS, University of Seville, Seville
Jerez City Hall, Seville
Grúas Lozano, Seville.
Utrera City hall, Seville.
Colección Modus Vivendi, San Sebastián

Ana Barriga. De animales a dioses
Ana Barriga. De animales a dioses 8 de marzo – 25 de agoto de 2019 Ana Barriga (Jerez, 1984) ha sido comisionada para realizar un proyecto específico para uno de los espacios más emblemáticos de la Zona Monumental de CAAC, el Refectorio de la antigua Cartuja de Santa...

La casa encendida. Generación 2019
La Casa Encendida presenta la exposición Generación 2019, una convocatoria de la Fundación Montemadrid destinada a promover a artistas menores de 35 años. Este año las salas de La Casa Encendida presentan los ocho proyectos de los artistas ganadores: Saelia...
No hay próximas exposiciones de momento