
Carlos Pesudo

1992, Castellón (Valencia)         

Lives and resides in Madrid


Carlos Pesudo’s work provokes ambiguity and bewilderment. The artist uses elementary forms that run throughout his painting and that end up being reformulated and radicalised in his pictorial process. His plastic research has given way to a complexity of forms and registers. It is a gestural and expressive painting that develops through a process of action and containment.

In his studio, Carlos works from intuition, looking for the unexpected and disturbing form, as none of his paintings are based on a sketch or previous reference. For the artist, the painting is an unknown space that is created as it is being made. A process of invoking an image and a sensation not yet known.

The artist’s proposal of abstraction challenges the codes of representation. The ambiguity of his images provokes in the spectator a questioning of what is being seen. These scenes, dynamic and theatrical, which appear in his work, are strange and at the same time close. They show, almost involuntarily, his fascination for certain forms of nature, especially for those that seem more violent or illogical to him.

Therefore, in his plastic world, the relationship that underlies his painting and some indeterminate elements of the plant world, insects, arachnids or other vertebrates is unconsciously manifested.


2016-18    VALENCIA Masters in Artistic Production, Faculty of fine arts of San Carlos
2018  BRAZIL Escola de Belas Artes de Salvador (Faculty of fine arts of Salvador de Bahía) (UFBA)
2012-2016 VALENCIA Fine Arts degree, Faculty of fine arts of San Carlos (UPV)
2014-2015 HUNGARY Magyar Képzőművészeti Egyetem (MKE), (University of Fine Arts of Hungary

Zero space,  Galería Kevin Kavanagh, Dublín

It doesn’t belong to us, SomoS Arthouse, Berlín.

OVO, Galería Yusto Giner, Marbella.

2020  Espacio Cero, Herrero de Tejada Gallery, Madrid

¿Quién pagará el pato?, Herrero de Tejada Gallery, Madrid

MARTE Fair, Marte Castellón Prize, Castellon, Spain.

2017 Vanitas Vanitatum in PRÁM Gallery, Praga.



Feria Estampa, Galería Yusto Giner, Madrid.

Feria Estampa, Galería Herrero de Tejada, Madrid.

Feria ESTAMPA (Edición de 2020), Galería Herrero de Tejada, Madrid.


Espai Zero,  Hàbitat Artistic Castellò Grant, at the Cultural Arts Centre of Castellón.

JustMad Fair, Herrero de Tejada Gallery, Madrid.


2019 FIN (of the fourth part) , Herrero de Tejada Gallery, Madrid.

 “quem vai pagar o pato”, festival of art ‘Conquista Ruas’, in Vitoria da conquista, Brazil

All you can eat,  Clear Fracture Gallery in Udvarház Galéri, Hungary.

Fabulacões Pictóricas, Do aluno Gallery. Faculty of Fine Arts of Bahía (UFBA). Salvador, Brasil.

MARTE fair, Castellón. Winning artists of the residency prize Culla Contemporánea, sponsored by Collblanc Espai d’Art.


Mapa y Cultura at Collblanc Espai d’Art Gallery, Culla, Castellón.

PAM! 17, at the faculty of Fine Arts of San Carlos, Valencia.

XVII Murcia universtiy Painting Prize.


El individuo y el entorno, at the Caixa Rural Vila-real Foundation, Vila-real.

 XXII Painting Prize, Ciutat d’Algemessí


klauzál 13 in Budapest, Hungría.

Spaces of uncertainty, Cultural event ‘KRAKERS’ in Krakow, Poland.

Efim-Things, EIC, Valencia.

2014 Show at the LATARKA Gallery in Budapest, Hungary
2021  Artistic Residency in SomoS, Berlin
2020 Fine Arts grant, Davalos Fletcher foundation

Marte Castellón Prize. MARTE fair, Castellón. 

Hàbitat Artístic Castelló Grant, Privincial Government of Castellón 

Artistic Residency at Centre d’Art La Rectoría, Barcelona.


Winner of residency contest  Culla contemporánea, sponsored by Collblanc espai d’Art.

Honorable mention at the Bienal de las artes Ciutat Vella Oberta,  IVAM Lab. Valencia.

Artistic Residency at PRÁM, Prague, Czech Republic

Artistic Residency at Culla Contemporánea, Collblanc Espai d’Art, Castellón, Spain

2016 Special mention at the Paint and Photography contest of the Politecnic University of Valencia,.
2019 Artistic Residency in Centre d’Art La Rectoría, Barcelona.

Artistic Residency in PRÁM, Prague

Culla Contemporánea, by Collblanc Espai d’Art, Castellón.

2016  Special mention in the Paint and Photography contest of the Politecnic University of Valencia, Spain

Castellón Provincial Council

New monograph by Angeles Agrela

  Yusto / Giner Gallery is thrilled to present the monograph Ángeles Agrela, the first book published by the gallery With an essay by Anna Stothart Design by Manigua Printed by Brizzolis Ángeles Agrela, 2021   30.50 x 24 x 3.30 cm 312 pages English, Spanish and...

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